I start posting on my social media “Must Find Cache Monday” to talk about special and unique caches that GeoCachers should consider finding. I hope everyone finds some useful information here.


Cache Odyssey

Must Find Cache Monday! 12/30/24

There is an amazing new opportunity to find a special cache in all 50 states of the United States. These caches are called Cache Odyssey and they were created by the guys at Geocache Talk Network. Each cache is a T1 (terrain 1 aka wheel chair accessible) cache, a Regular or Large cache only and a Letterbox Cache type. They are divided into 6 regions for each to be a GeoTour!

Click on the link below for more information:

Cache Odyssey

Oldest Active Caches in Each U.S. State

Must Find Cache Monday! 11/27/23

When traveling to different states, one cache to look for is that states oldest published cache that is still active. I have cached in 19 different states so far. However, I only have two of the oldest active caches (Illinois & Alabama).

If you are a premium member you can access this lists below.

Oldest State Caches list

A.P.E. Caches

Must Find Cache Monday! 12/4/23

Back in 2001 there were 14 caches placed around the world as a promotion sponsored by 20th Century Fox to generate interest in their blockbuster movie Planet of the Apes.

There are only two caches remaining today. Mission 4: Southern Bowl is in Brazil and Mission 9: Tunnel of Light in Washington, US. These caches have their own Cache Type classification with Geocaching.

Below is a link to an article, if you would like to read more about the project. There are also links to both Ape Caches.

20 Years of Project A.P.E. Blog

Mission 4 GCC67

Mission 9 GC1169

Webcam Caches

Must Find Cache Monday! 11/20/23

Webcam Caches are a legacy cache type. They should be on everyone’s need to find list. I have only found 5 so far myself.

Just make sure you log them correctly with a picture from the webcam itself. On November 5th a webcam in Wyoming GCKKCA was Archived because it was not functioning properly and cachers were logging selfies and the are not allowed.

There are only 74 webcams left in the US and a total of 193 world wide. There are currently 7 caches disabled.

If you are a premium member you can access this lists below.

US Webcam list

Worldwide Webcam list


Partnership Attribute

Must Find Cache Monday! 12/10/23

Partnership Attribute Caches.

There were only 9 caches that have the Partnership Attribute until January 2024. As of January 2025 there are now 21 caches with this attribute. I currently have one of them. I would recommend if you are in the area of one to find it.

Attributes can help you know if certain equipment is needed, if there are restrictions, hazards and more. I like to see if poisonous plants are nearby.

Attributes are not required to collection. Some geocachers like statistics. You may not be into stats, however if you are in the area why not get a cache that has an attribute that is very limited. You may decided in the future to look more at stats.

Partnership Attribute Caches

Attribute Types

GEOCAC Benchmarks

Must Find Cache Monday! 12/13/23

GEOCAC Benchmarks

Back in late 2007 cache GEO*Trailblazer1 started a project with plans to put special benchmarks “GEOCAC” in all 50 states. He was successful in placing 5 of them.

Since Geocaching no longer allows you to log benchmarks, there have been other caches placed near these benchmarks. Well actually one is now a virtual cache. There are no special icons or attributes for them. Just the joy of finding something unique. I currently have not found one yet. I do have them on my bucket list.

Joshua the Geocaching Vlogger has made some videos on the GEOCAC Benchmarks.

GEOCAC video

If you are a premium member you can access the list below.



Must Find Cache Monday 1/8/24

A lot of GeoCachers also like to travel.  Geocaching HQ put together GeoTours to combine the two. GeoTours is a  series of Geocaches to introduce you to an area with caches placed at  local attractions, historical locations, and businesses. Some GeoTours  will have a Passport to download to keep track of finding each location  and have an opportunity to get a Geocoin of that GeoTour after  completing it. Also when you complete a GeoTour you will receive a  special souvenir from Geocaching HQ.  The Official Geocaching App also  has a filter to see GeoTours in a search area.



Geocaching HQ & Trifecta

Must Find Cache Monday! 1/22/24

Today I was going to talk about Geocaching  Headquarters. I missed last Monday so I decided to add the Trifecta  into this Mondays must find cache topic. The Geocaching Trifecta  consists of three caches Geocaching Headquarters (GCK25B), the Original  Stash Tribute Plaque (GCGV0P) and Mission 9 A.P.E. cache (GC1169).

Geocaching  HQ is located in Seattle, Washington. The log book for this cache is  available during hours of operation outside of the visitor center. If  you would like to go inside the visitor center you will need to book a  reservation in advance.

Geocaching Headquarters

Original Stash Tribute Plaque is the location of the very first Geocache placed in May of 2000. It all started here.

Original Stash

Mission  9 A.P.E. cache was a group  of promotional caches for the the movie  Planet of the Apes. I have a previous must find Monday post about the  A.P.E. caches. http://tinyurl.com/5e9kf3h2

Mission 9 GC1169

Shop Geocaching has a Geocoin for the Trifecta!


Must Find Cache Monday! 1/28/24

The Oldest Active Geocache in the World is Mingo (GC30)! This should be on everyone’s bucket-list! It was the 7th cache placed to start this game back in May of 2000 in Kansas.

Mingo currently has over 3800 favorite points and over 10,000 found logs!
Sadly the plaque pictured and the cache container were stolen in July 2022. The container was replaced right away.

Cactus Attribute

Must Find Cache Monday! 2/5/24

The Cactus Attribute (attribute #16) was a short lived attribute that was never really introduced before it was discontinued in 2008 and replaced with the Thorns Attribute (attribute #39). From what I can find there was only five caches placed that had the cactus attribute before it was retired. Three of them are archived CITO events – GC19X08, GC1BHCR, and GC1BXH4. Not sure what the 4th one is. The one remaining active cache is in Wisconsin (GC684) and to my understanding does not have any Cactus’s near it. If you are a statistics GeoCacher, this should be added to your bucket list. Otherwise this unique opportunity may just be some fun Geocaching history information.

Cache Across America

Must Find Cache Monday! 2/12/24

Cache Across America Series has a Geocache hidden in all 50 States. It will take you on a Geocaching tour of the entire United States. Each cache will have a three digital numeric clue that will lead you to one final cache located in Washington D.C. upon completion of the series.


Here is a podcast from Geocache Talk Network about CAA:


Here a list of all 50 caches maintained by Lorrie Bird.

CAA List

After completing all 50 states and collecting the numeric numbers you will have the information you need to find the final cache D.C.. Check out the list of GeoCachers that have completed the series!

CAA Complete

TB Hotels of America

Must Find Cache Monday! 3/24/24

Do you like finding and moving Travel Bugs and Geocoins? This has been something I have enjoyed since starting Geocaching. The TB Hotels of America is a great resource to help locate quality TB Hotels.
A google map of the TB Hotels of America locations:
TB Hotels of America Facebook page:
If you are a Premium Geocaching member you can also access these lists: